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Past Information

Update History: Facial Year 2013

*KOBAYSHI Shigeto, Associate Professor, will provide the topic "Let's Talk about Money in the Future −Local Community Currency×Basic Income" at Torigoe School buliding, "School of Sato" in Hakusan City Ishikawa Prefecture for Living Festival of the life on Nov.16th,2013. See poster, check here!



*KOBAYSHI Shigeto, Associate Professor, is going to give a presentation on the Autumn conference of Japan Association of Simulation & Gaming at AOBAYAMA Campus of TOHOKU University on Dec.7-8th,2013. The title is 「コンピュータ・シミュレーションとゲーミング・シミュレーションによる地域通貨流通メカニズムの検討」.



*Prof.HASHIMOTO Takashi is going to give a presentation on JAIST Symposium 2013 at the 6F seminar room of FUJISOFT AKIBA Praza on Nov.22nd,2013. The title is 「コミュニケーションの成立過程で人はなにをしているか?―言語進化実験・脳計測・シミュレーションの統合的アプローチ― 」.



*Prof.HASHIMOTO Takashi is going to give a presentation on Theory of Biomathematics and Its Applications X (10th) at the RIMS of Kyoto University on Nov.21st,2013. The title is 「実験記号論によるヒトの記号コミュニケーション形成プロセスの検討 」.



*Prof.HASHIMOTO Takashi is going to give a presentation on the 20 Anniversary Symposium of Niigata University of International and Information Studies' opening at Niigata Media Ship on Nov.13th,2013.The title is 「サービス・オートポイエーシス〜組織を活かす新たなシステム論〜」. You can see his poster here!



*Li Xioayan, the PD of Hashimoto Lab, went to Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies of Kyushu University as an Assistant Professor on Oct.1st,2013. Congratuation to her!



*YAMADA Hiroaki (D3)is going to give a poster presentation on SSI2013 in PIAZZA OMI .The title of his presentation is 「自律的なコミュニティ活動を促進する制度設計ー規範意識と自己効力感の変容ダイナミクスからの検討ー」.



*YAMADA Hiroaki (D3)is going to give an oral Presentation on the 32nd Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies in Kyoto Sangyo University during Oct.26~27,2013. The title of his presentation is 「多様な価値観が共存するサードプレイスの形成要件―エージェントシミュレーションによる検討―」



*We held a Welcome Party for the new member,Ms. Nagina together with Hidaka Lab., which also was as a farewell Party for Ms.Li, who will go to KYUSHU University on Oct. As Ms. Nagina comes from Pakistan we had halaled curry dishes, which were very dellicious. You can see our photos here!



*The following 4 people are going to give presentations on the 1st JAIST Poster Challenge at the JAIST, Rooms,I 3,4 on Oct.12, 2013. Their titles are as fellows:

[Poster Presentation]

MASUMI Akira(D3):

・"Dynamics of learning in stochastic model of collective decision making"

TORII Takuma(D3):

・"Modeling group idea generation: combination, communication, and qualitative measure"

LI Guanhong(D2):

・"Mirror neuron system involvement in the formation of symbolic communication systems"

TAMURA Kaori(D2):

・「"The cultural evolution of symbol system in displaced communication"



*The following 4 people gave presentations on the fellowship report session at the MS lecture hall on Sep.25, 2013. Their titles are as fellows:

[Poster Presentation]

MASUMI Akira(D3):


YAMADA Hiroaki(D3):


LI Guanhong(D2):


TAMURA Kaori(D2):




*Nagina Jamal joined our lab as a Research Student today.



*The the Midterm Exam for Master Students of 2013 was hold on Sep. 10~11. There were 5 students of our lab who took the challenge. After that we hold a celebration party for them at the same day at TAKACHAN Chophouse. You can see our photos here.



*YAMADA Hiroaki(D3) went to give a presentation on the 1st Knowledge Science Co-creationat JAIST Tokyo Satellite on Sep.1st,2013. The title is [意識変容を伴ったコミュニティ活動の形成・拡大・定着過程のモデル化およびその設計可能性の検討].



*Li Xiaoyan(PD) went to give a presentation on the 18th Japan Association for international Student Education at HOKURIKU University during Aug.23~24,2013. The title is [多文化グループワークによるグローバル人材の育成].



*KOBAYASHI Shigeto(Assistant Professor) is going to give a presentation on the 49th Society of Economic Sociology at Osaka University of Commerce during Sep.21~22,2013. The title is [地域通貨は地域コミュニティ形成に寄与するか?−ゲーミング・シミュレーションを用いた検討−].



*KONNo Takeshi(Assistant Professor) is going to give a presentation on the 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society at TAMAGAWAUniversity during Sep.6~8,2013. The title is [人工言語の共創実験:使用する記号の類似性が導く言外の意味の成立]



*KOBAYASHI Shigeto(Assistant Professor) is going to give a presentation on the 36th Japan Association for Planning Administration at MIYAGI University during Sep.6~8,2013. The title is [多様な価値観が共存するサードプレイス創出に関する研究−地域資源を活かしたカフェの事例を通じて−].



*Our lab went to Summer Camping during Aug.22~23 in Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa. We had Shushi for lunch and went to seashore and the Noto Aquarium in the daytime, and talked about the M1 students'aspiration towords research. We had a great time these two days. You can see our photos here!



*KOBAYASHI Shigeto(Assistant Professor) and YAMADA Hiroaki(D3) are going to give a presentation on the 5th Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization at Takasaki City University of Economics on Jul.20,2013. The title is [サードプレイス創出による地域の魅力発見と愛着醸成の可能性]



*Prof. Hashimoto made 2 presentations on the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics(ICCN2013)at Agora for Biosystems, Sigtuna, Sweden.

[Orak Presentation]

・"Planning based on one's own past and other's past during a symbolic communication task"

[Poster Presentation]

・"Dividing roles and ordering information flow by role reversal imitation in the formation of communication systems"



*We hold a party of cans which Prof. Hashimoto bought from Sweden as a gift for us. We also had wine, watermelon and some terrific foods. You can see the photos here!



*We are going to give 3 poster presentations on the 35th Annual Conference of the Congnitive Science Society(CogSci 2013) at Humboldt University during JUL.31~ AUG.3, 2013. Their titles are as follow:

[Poster Presentation]

KONNO Takeshi(Research Assistant Professor):

・"Information flow across individuals in formation of symbol communication systems"

・"Reciprocal Ascription of Intentions Realized in Robot-human Interaction"

LI Guanhong(D2):

・"Activities of Mirror System Involved In Coordination Game"

TAMURA Kaori(D2):

・"Source-target mapping strategy in displaced communication: Communication strategy to represent absent object"



*Hiroaki, Yamada(D3) will make an oral presentation on the 54th Japanese Society for Social Medicine in Tokyo Metropolitan University on July 7 to 8, 2013. The title is 「自律的なコミュニティ活動を促す社会的要因 ―エージェントシミュレーションとデータ分析による検討」。



*We held a hand-rolled sushi party for people who was born in May on May 21st. We also had handmade birthday cake and Maotai which made this party very luxury. You can see our photos here.



*The 15th knowledge science symposium "Knowledge Creation" will be held at AP Umeda Osaka on June 8,2013. 4 members of Hashimoto Lab will give speeches on this symposium. Everyone who is interested in Knowledge Science please feel free to join us. Please fill in the following application form with your information. And you can see posters here!



* Prof. Steven Bishop of University College London visited Hashimoto Lab on April 29, 2013. He also was invented to join the 1st Workshop on Complex Systems for Social Dynamics.You can see photos here!



*The Sakura Festival was held on April 24, 2013 as usual.This Festival is held by M2 students to celebrate new students' coming and to promote the communication between students and professors.You can see photos here!



*We held a BBQ party for welcoming the new students together with Ikeda Lab. on April 13, 2013. It was a good weather and we all had a wonderful time. You can see our photos here!



*We held an entrance ceremony for the new students of 2013 April today. At the same time Cherry blossoms have begun to bloom in our campus here and there.

The goddess of spring is coming to JAIST!



*The following 3 people will make poster presentations in the 35th Annual Conference of the Coginitive Science Society (CogSci 2013) at Humboldt University during July 31st to August 3rd, 2013.

[Poster Presentaion]

KONNO Takeshi (Research Assistant Professor): ・"Information flow across individuals in formation of symbol communication systems"

・"Reciprocal Ascription of Intentions Realized in Robot-human Interaction"

LI Guanhong (D2): "Activities of Mirror System Involved In Coordination Game"

TAMURA Kaori (D2): "Source-target mapping strategy in displaced communication: Communication strategy to represent absent object" [4/4/ 2013]


*Prof. HASHIMOTO Takashi will make a oral presentation in the 2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems at the Erasmus University on June 19 to 22, 2013. The title is Correlation between Currency Consciousness among Participants of Community Currency and Its Circulation. [4/4/2013]


*The following 4 people will make presentations in the 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence at TOYAMA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTER on June 4 to 7, 2013.

[Oral Presentation]

KONNO Takeshi (Research Assistant Professor) : 人工言語の共創実験における二者間での移動情報量の分析

YAMADA Hiroaki (D3): 自律的共助行動を促進するための制度設計

LI Guanhong (D2): 記号コミュニケーションシステムの形成過程におけるサイズ効果

TAMURA Kaori (D2): 超越的コミュニケーションにおける自他の仮説形成 [4/4/2013]


*LI Xiaoyan (PD)'s paper "Knowledge creation through inter-cultural communication in multi-cultural groupwork"was accepted.

Li, Xiao Yan and Umemoto, Katsuhiro

Intercultural Communication Studies, 21.pp?-?. [2/4/2013]


*The paper " 駐輪状況の危険点数を考慮した放置自転車の調査手法の提案" was accepted, which was written by TSUJINO Masanori (Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, D3) and Prof. HASHIMOTO Takeshi .


Transportation Policy Research [2/4/2013]


*Assistant Prof. KOBAYASHI Shigeto' s proposal of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research was authorized . His research title is [地域住民の内部ルールを考慮した地域通貨流通メカニズムに関する研究」.


*Prof. HASHIMOTO Takashi was granted two Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research as a co-inventor. His research titles are 「対立する国家間の経済的相互依存:緊密なシステムのヘテロ化による諸影響」(基盤研究(A),研究代表者:田所昌幸教授(慶應大)),「進化言語学の方法による音楽の文脈自由規則の発見」(基盤研究(C),研究代表者:東条敏教授(JAIST))[2/4/2013]


*KONNO Takeshi, who was a PD of Hashimoto Lab. took the post of Research Assistant Professor of School of Knowledge Science on April 1st. He also held the additional post of Service Science Research Center. [1/4/2013]


*Prof. HASHIMOTO Takashi made a presentation on "コミュニケーションシステムの共創:言語進化実験による検討" in Marketing Dynamics Research club of Japan Institute of Marketing Science. [3/31/2013]


*KONNO Takeshi (PD)'s paper "Basis of Knowledge Co-Creation in Formation of Communication Systems" , which was presented in the Fokcs-Forum 3rd. won a 萌芽論文賞. [3/31/2013]


*KOBAYASHI Shigeto' paper "Market Institute as Knowledge Processing Mechanism - A Case Study of Circuit Breakers -", which was presented in the Fokcs-Forum 2nd. won a Knowledge Co-creation Award. [31 Mar. 2013]


*We held a party to celebrate Li Xiaoyan' s joining to our Lab, which also was a farewell for Yang shuo' s leaving for UC Davis, US. You can see the photos here! [19 Feb. 2013]


Past Information
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