MPC Group/並列計算機



  1. Decompress the source of LAMMPS and Change directory.
    % tar zxvf lammps-stable.tar.gz
    % cd lammps-XXX/src
  2. Set Environment
    % module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
    % module load fftw
  3. Set Package Status
    % make no-GPU
    % make no-KIM
    % make yes-USER-PHONON
    % make yes-USER-QMMM
    % make yes-USER-REAX
    You can add/delete the packages settings as you need. To check the package list, type as follows.
    % make package-status
  4. Install VOLONOI
    1. Download source of volo++ and decommpress.
    2. Edit file as follows
      CXX = CC
      PREFIX = /work/xxxxx/xxxxx (your work directory)
    3. Compile , Install
      % make
      % make install
  5. Install Other libraries
    % cd /work/k-miya/lammps/lib (lib directory in lammps source)
    • meam, poems, qmmm, reax
      % cd meam (poems, qmmm, reax)
      1. Edit Makefile.gfortran (Makefile.g++)
        F90 = ftn ( CC = cc, MPICXX = CC) 
      2. Compile
        % make -f Makefile.gfortran (Makefile.g++)
  6. Install lammps
    1. Edit Lammps setting for voronoi
      % cd (lammps_dir)/src/VORONOI
    2. Edit Makefile.lammps as follows
      voronoi_SYSINC = -I/work/k-miya/voro++-0.4.6/include/voro++ (directory including voronoi header files )
      voronoi_SYSLIB = -lvoro++
      voronoi_SYSPATH = -L/work/k-miya/voro++-0.4.6/lib ( library directory of voronoi )
    3. Copy makefile
      % cd MAKE
      % cp Makefile.xt5 Makefile.xc30
    4. Edit Makefile.xc30
      CCFLAGS = -O3
      SHFLAGS = -dynamic -fPIC -mcmodel=medium
      FFT_INC = (blank)
      FFT_PATH = (blank)
      FFT_LIB = -lfftw3
    5. Compile
      % cd ..
      % make -j2 xc30

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Last-modified: 2014-11-19 (水) 14:26:00 (3448d)