Environment Conservation Section, Facility Management Department

JAISTJapan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Campus Traffic Rules and Parking Usage


Required Things for Application


Things to prepare before application

Refer to “1. List of Things to Prepare” and prepare the mentioned things before applying for the toll parking lots. Please come to the Environment Conservation Section, Facility Management Department first. Procedures cannot be proceeded even if you go directly to another window. The applicant him/herself should come to the procedure.

Things to prepare

  1. List of Things to Prepare
  2. Application form for (a) On-Campus Parking lot
    application form for (b) Municipal JAIST Parking lot
  3. Pass Card (Continuation of use)
    application form for the issue of Pass Card and issue fee (New issue or reissue)
  4. Parking fee
  5. Identification card of applicant
  6. The following documents are essential for all students and new applicant faculty and staff members.
    They are returned after confirming.

  7. Driver’s license of applicant
  8. Automobile inspection certificate of the applied car
  9. Document, etc. issued by the insurance company which is capable of confirming subscribing to valid voluntary insurance for applicant and applied vehicle
    *This is NOT "Mandatory Vehicle Liability Insurance".

Details of things to prepare

1. List of Things to Prepare

It is a list of things to prepare. You will need the items marked with a "〇" in the column that applies to you. Please prepare all the necessary items for each person and complete the procedures at the reception window. Download the style from the following URL.

Type of Parking Lot List of Things to Prepare
(a) The On-Campus PDF
(b) The Municipal JAIST Parking

2. Application form for (a) On-Campus Parking lot
application form for (b) Municipal JAIST Parking lot

It is an application form to register necessary information for usage of the parking lot. Select either (a) The On-Campus Parking Lot or (b) The Municipal JAIST Parking lot, download the designated form from the following URL, and fill in the required items.

Please note that it is disable to proceed with the procedure without the application form imprinted a stamp of acceptance which is stamped after conifirmation of necessary documents by Environment Conservation Section, Facility Management Department.

Type of Parking Lot Application Form for Usage of Parking
(a) The On-Campus PDFExcel
(b) The Municipal JAIST Parking PDFExcel

3. Pass Card (Continuation of use)
application form for the issue of Pass Card and issue fee (New issue or reissue)

A dedicated pass card is necessary to pass the entrance gates of the parking lots. If you already have a pass card, show it for confirmation.

If you do not have a pass card, download the designated form below and fill in the required information. Bring it and the issue fee to the following windows in charge and receive a pass card. The issue fee is 1000 yen per card.

(b) The Municipal JAIST Parking
Type of Parking Lot Application Form for
(a) The On-Campus PDFExcel
(b) The Municipal JAIST Parking

4. Parking fee

Please pay the designated parking fee in one-off cash payment for using the toll parking lot. Regardless of the date in the year or the month when usage starts , the designated fee for yearly or monthly is required. Note that the fee once paid will not be repaid.

In case of the individual reception, the payment window is not the Facility Management Department of the institute. Refer to the following windows*.

Type of Parking Lot Parking fee
(a) The On-Campus 7,000 yen / academic year
(b) The Municipal JAIST Parking 10,450 yen / academic year
1,045 yen / month
(Double for extramural people)

*Windows in charge of reception of parking fee and issue fee of pass card

Type of Fee Window in Charge
Issue of pass card Accounting Section, Accounting Department,
on the 3rd floor of Administration Building (Ext. 1095)
(a) The On-Campus
(b) The Municipal
JAIST Parking
Administration of property section, the general affairs department, on the 2nd floor of Nomi-shi government office (Tel. 0761-58-2205)

5. Identification card of applicant

For identification, please show the applicant's student identification card, staff identification card, etc., indicating that the applicant is a member of the institute. When the identification card has not been issued, a document indicating that the applicant is a member of the institute such as documents about success or recruitment can substitute.

When the applicant is a student's family living in Student Housing, please show a document dicribing the applicant's address such as a residence card.

If the applicant do not indicate that he / she is a member of the Institute, it is allowed to use only (b) The Municipal JAIST Parking, and the parking fee for extramural people is double according to the Nomi City Ordinance.

When applying for the priority area for women in the 1st lot as a special case, an official document to confirm that the applicant is eligible is required. If the applicant or family is pregnant, show a Maternal and Child Handbook. If the applicant has a preschool child, show an identification card, etc. that can confirm the date of birth of the preschool child.

The following three additional documents are essential for all students and new applicant faculty and staff members.

6. Driver’s license of applicant

Show a valid driver's license of the applicant. The following three types are accepted. Refer to this National Police Agency website this for detail.

  1. 日本の運転免許証
  2. 道路交通に関する条約 (ジュネーヴ交通条約)の定める国際運転免許証
  3. 道路交通法の定める国と地域(スイス、ドイツ、フランス、ベルギー、モナコ、台湾)の運転免許証と所定の機関で発行された日本語訳文書


7. Automobile inspection certificate of the applied car


 2.の申請書に記入された車両番号と車検証の車両番号が同一でないと受け付けません。  申請者と車検証の使用者名は原則同一とし、同一でなくても家族の名である場合は受け付けます。車検証の所有者名が申請者と同一である必要はありません。

8. Document, etc. issued by the insurance company which is capable of confirming subscribing to valid voluntary insurance for applicant and applied vehicle


 2.の申請書に記入された車両番号と被保険自動車の車両番号が同一でないと受け付けません。  申請者が被保険者の範囲に入っていないと受け付けません。申請者と保険契約者が同一である必要はありません。
