Dr. Elizabeth K. Briodyを迎え、イノベーションデザインセミナー(ビジネス人類学の実践と理論)がJAIST東京サテライトにて開催されました。(2018/3/27)
日時: 2018年3月27日(火)19:30~21:00(19:00開場)
会場: 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学(JAIST)東京サテライト
〒108-6019 港区港南2-15-1 品川インターシティA棟19F
□ プログラム:
19:30-19:40 趣旨説明 伊藤泰信(JAIST)
19:40-20:30 講演 Dr. Elizabeth K. Briody(Cultural Keys LLC)
“Identifying Solutions for Organizational-Culture and Change Issues: Lessons from a Business Anthropologist”
20:40-20:50 コメント 久保隅 綾 (GOB Incubation Partners)
20:50-21:00 コメント 比嘉夏子(京都大学)
21:00-21:10 コメント 大戸(水元)朋子(KDDI総合研究所)
21:10-21:30 聴講者を交えたフリーディスカッション
コーディネータ・司会 伊藤泰信(JAIST)
JAIST Innovation design seminar
Organized by JASCA research project “Anthropology of Response-ability” (The 34th meeting)
Date: 19:30-21:30 on 27 March, 2018
Venue: JAIST Tokyo satellite
[Invited speaker] Elizabeth K. Briody (Cultural Keys LLC)
[Title] “Identifying Solutions for Organizational-Culture and Change Issues: Lessons from a Business Anthropologist”
[Discussants] Aya Kubosumi (GOB Incubation Partners), Natsuko Higa (Kyoto University), Tomoko Oto (KDDI Research Inc.)
[Moderator] Yasunobu Ito (JAIST)
[Translator] Eric N. Bailey (JAIST)
□ Business success depends critically on effective collaborations within organizations. These interactions involve people with different viewpoints, work practices, roles, and backgrounds, sometimes creating barriers within an organization’s culture. Briody has a unique perspective on organizational culture; for 24 years, she was a research anthropologist at General Motors, one of the world’s largest and most complex companies. Over the last decade, she has studied complex organizations in health care, consumer goods, petrochemicals, and other industries. In this presentation, she will discuss lessons regarding blaming behavior, decision making, and patient care. Asking study participants to imagine an ideal future offers insights into workable solutions for businesses. She will also discuss the unique value that anthropologists and their tools bring to businesses and other organizations.
□ Elizabeth K. Briody, Ph.D., has been involved in cultural-change efforts for over 30 years. She is founder and principal of Cultural Keys LLC, helping organizations transform their culture. She worked over two decades at General Motors R&D, most recently as Technical Fellow. Recent clients are in petrochemicals, aerospace, health care, consumer products, and service industries. Recent books include Cultural Change from a Business Anthropology Perspective, The Cultural Dimension of Global Business (8th ed.), and the award-winning Transforming Culture.
