学生の大谷さんの論文が国際会議AHFE HSSE 2021においてBest Paper AwardのWinnerに選出
学生の大谷 かがりさん(博士後期課程1年、知識マネジメント領域、伊藤研究室)の論文が、国際会議 The 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021) and the Affiliated Conferencesの枠組みで開催されたThe 8th International Conference on the Human Side of Service Engineering (HSSE 2021) (Sponsored by ISSIP) において、Best Paper AwardのWinnerに選ばれました。
AHFE 2021 and the Affiliated Conferencesは、令和3年7月25日から29日にかけてバーチャル開催されました(米国ニューヨーク時間にて実施)。
大谷さんは、HSSE ConferenceにおいてBest Paper Awardにノミネートされたファイナリストの中でWinner(1位)に選出されました。
"As Normal" Co-created by Visiting Nurses and Patients: Ethnographic Study on Visiting Nurse Station in Japan
Kagari Otani, Yasunobu Ito
This paper aims to illustrate how collaboration between visiting nurses and patients can achieve the living style of patient's choice through co-creation. It displays methods for sustaining the normal life of the patients through detailed case studies of visiting nurses who not only provide nursing care but are proactively engaged in maintaining the "normal" life activities of the patients. Up until now in the research of Japanese visiting nurses, there were virtually no long-term holistic investigation/research spanning several years where ethnography was being used, nor analysis conducted on co-creation between visiting nurses and patients. In that sense, the analyses in this paper are substantial.
Best paperに選出されたことを大変光栄に思います。今回の受賞を励みに、今後も、在宅看護のエスノグラフィ研究を粘り強く続けていきたいと思います。
