

修了生の近藤さんの論文がHSSE 2024においてBest Paper Award (Honorable Mention) を受賞

 修了生の近藤麻耶さん(令和5年9月博士前期課程修了、トランスフォーマティブ知識経営研究領域、伊藤研究室)の論文が、The 11th International Conference on the Human Side of Service Engineering (HSSE 2024)において、Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention) を受賞しました。

 HSSE 2024は令和6年7月24日から27日にかけて、The International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) の枠組みの中で、関連会議としてフランス(ニース)およびオンラインにて開催されました。   


'Unintended Consequences' of ICT System Introduction in Organizations and Operations: A case study on efficiency improvement of transportation operations in four daycare facilities

Maya Kondo & Yasunobu Ito

The purpose of this paper is to clarify and categorize the factors of "unintended consequences" when introducing ICT transportation systems in elderly care facilities. The shortage of elderly care personnel in Japan has become a serious problem. One of the expected countermeasures is the use of ICT systems. Until now, the introduction of ICT systems in the field of elderly care has been discussed with the main objective to "verify its effectiveness" in terms of how information sharing has changed as a consequence. In spite of this, it is possible for the system to be utilized in a manner differently from which was initially intended by the management, or not being introduced in the first place after all. There are not many studies done thus far that have clarified the factors that lead to "unintended consequences" in the introduction of ICT systems in the field of elderly care. In this paper, we investigate the "unintended consequences" in the introduction of an ICT pick up and drop off system at a company, hereinafter referred to as Company X, that operates four elderly care facilities.

 このたびは国際会議AHFE-HSSE 2024においてBest Paper Awardを受賞できたことを大変うれしく思っています。博士前期課程の2年間を大変熱心にご指導してくださった伊藤泰信教授をはじめ、研究室のメンバー、研究を支えてくださった皆様に深く感謝申し上げます。

