

修了生のWangさん、学生のFangさん、永井副学長がEmerald社のEmerald Literati Awards for Excellence 2019 Highly Commended賞を受賞

 修了生のWang,Weizhenさん(平成31年3月博士後期課程修了、ヒューマンライフデザイン領域、永井研究室)、学生のFang Yuanさん(博士後期課程3年、セキュリティ・ネットワーク領域、リム研究室)、永井副学長がEmerald社の Emerald Literati Awards for 2019 Excellence Highly Commended賞を受賞しました。

 Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence Highly Commended賞は、その年に掲載された論文の中から同社が特に注目し推薦する論文に贈られる賞です。


Interactive Technology Embedded in Fashion Emotional Design: Case Study on Interactive Clothing for Couples

Weizhen Wang, Yukari Nagai, Yuan Fang, Masami Maekawa

The purpose of this paper is to bridge the gap between human emotions and wearable technologies for interactive fashion innovation. To consider the reasons why smart clothing should satisfy the internet of things (IoT) technical functions and human emotional expression simultaneously, to investigate the manner in which artistic design perspectives and engineering methods combined effectively, to explore the R&D elements of future smart clothing based on the IoT technology.
This study builds the research and development theoretical model of interactive clothing that can be integrated into daily smart clothing life design, and analyze the methods and means of blending IoT smart information-sensing technology with emotional design. By means of the experimental demonstration of human-centered interactive clothing design, the authors provide smart clothing 3.0 evolutionary roadmap and propose a new concept of internet of clothes for further research reference.

I'm greatly honored to receive such a splendid award unexpectedly.
Firstly, I don't think I could get this achievement without the enthusiastic support from my supervisor Professor Nagai. I would like to thank my Japanese mom, Nagai sensei, for her devoted help during my research and life in JAIST. As a university teacher, I have learned from Professor Nagai how to be an excellent supervisor and how to do scientific research. I also want to thank all the JAIST teachers for their earnest guidance. This paper is an interdisciplinary study of design engineering, human factor engineering and artificial intelligence, which conforms to JAIST's concept of interdisciplinary personnel training and education. It is also my personal future research direction on the integration of smart clothing design and engineering.

