学生のZHAOさんが第41回日本創造学会研究大会国際セッションにおいてBest presentation award を受賞
学生のZHAO,Jingさん(博士前期課程2年・ヒューマンライフデザイン領域・永井研究室)が、第41回日本創造学会研究大会国際セッションにおいて、Best presentation award を受賞しました。
日本創造学会研究大会国際セッションは、国際会議スタイルのセッションで、複数の査読者による査読があり、英語での発表を原則とします。Best presentation awardは、この査読結果、プレゼンテーション結果および質疑応答の結果に基づき授与されます。
Exploring the Shapes of Furniture in Working Space for Co-creation
*1st Jing ZHAO 2nd Akane Matsumae 3rd Kumi Yabuuchi 4th Yukari Nagai
About the furniture, it plays a crucial role in various area and forms a furniture environment surrounding the organization members. We concentrate on these reactions from the shapes of furniture in the working space for co-creation. According to the triangles' greatest Visual Evoked Potentials, we built two types of furniture shapes environment for the idea contribution step of co-creation. One is a triangular type. Another is a circular type. Comparing two groups, we could get the result that the triangular furniture environment has a positive influence on creative work in working space.
I am honored to take this award. This was my first time to attend a conference. I am very grateful to my professor Nagai Sensei and professor Matsumae for giving me a lot of guidance in all process of writing paper. Thanks Nagai Sensei to give me this chance and help me a lot with my research. And thanks Japan Creativity Society and committees in Japan Creativity Society to give me this chance. At this conference, I have learned so much after I heard the presentations. And I will study harder and continue to do research in the future.