

知識マネジメント領域のJAVED, Amna助教が10th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM10)においてYoung Service Research Awardを受賞

 知識マネジメント領域のJAVED, Amna助教が10th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM10)においてYoung Service Research Awardを受賞しました。  

 10th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM10)は、サービス研究の促進を目的とし開催される国際会議です。Young Service Research Awardは、サービス研究に関わる若手研究者の支援と、サービス研究者同士のネットワークを形成する機会を提供することを目的とし、選考委員会が選出するものです。


Value Extension for Innovative Service Design: Contribution from Service Dominant Logic

Amna Javed, Youji Kohda

In the past, design methods were mainly considered for the products, whereas the design of service did not get the same attention. However, today in the experience economy, the overall experience (product + service) of the customer is the matter. In recent, the knowledge-intensive nature of service has encouraged the framework of service-dominant logic to emphasize service and its phenomenon as the basis of social and economic exchange. The focus of this research is to elaborate the emerging design practices and values concerned with the design of service by using a case of Islamic banking and finance (IBF) in two countries: Pakistan, and UAE. The careful analysis shows that the multiplication of product and interaction design generates possibilities of design principles towards innovative service design. This study has a practical significance for the evolving service economies where the customer is now a top priority as a part of the organizational network.

It is a great honor to receive the Young Service Researcher Award from the 10th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM10). This award is a great motivation for me to boost my academic career.

