

学生のPRIMANITAさんがSriwijaya International Conference on Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN2019)においてBest Paper Awardを受賞

 学生のPRIMANITA, Angginaさん(博士後期課程2年、ゲーム・エンタテイメント領域、飯田研究室)がSriwijaya International Conference on Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN2019)においてBest Paper Awardを受賞しました。

 SICONIANは、研究者や大学院生、研究機関、開発企業が参加する世界的な国際会議です。データサイエンス、人工知能およびIoTの最新の動向に関する研究によって、Industry Revolution 4.0の実現向けた社会との橋渡しを目的に開催されます。
 Best Paper Awardは、SICONIANの選考委員によってそれぞれの分野において特に優秀な論文に与えられる賞です。


Nature of Probability-based Proof Number Search

Anggina Primanita and Hiroyuki Iida

Probability-based Proof Number Search (PPN-Search) is a best-first search algorithm that possesses a unique nature. It combines two kinds of information from a tree structure, namely, information from visited nodes and yet to be visited nodes. Information coming from visited nodes is determined based on winning status. On the other hand, information from yet to be visited (unexplored) nodes is determined by employing play-out technique in leaf nodes.
All of the information is combined into a value called probability-based proof number (PPN). In this paper, PPN-Search is employed to solve randomly generated Connect Four positions. Its results are compared to two other well-known best-first search algorithms, namely Proof Number Search and Monte-Carlo Proof Number Search. The limitation of PPN-Search related to the use of real numbers is identified based on the experiment. To increase the performance of PPN-Search while preserving its strength, an improvement technique using precision rate is introduced. Analysis from further experiments shows that the addition of the precision rate value accentuates the nature of PPN-Search, especially in its ability to combine information into PPN, which leads to increased performance. It is marked by reduced number of nodes needed to be explored up to 57% compared to implementation without precision rate.

It is a great honor for us to receive the Best Paper Award at the Sriwijaya International Conference on Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN 2019).
We would like to extend our gratitude to the SICONIAN 2019 organizing committee for this award as well as Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology for the support during our research activities. We think that the research is a step forward in achieving our research goal and receiving this award motivates us to do better in the future.

