

学生のNGUYEN さんが2020年IEEE名古屋支部国際会議研究発表賞を受賞

 学生のNGUYEN, Van phoさん (博士後期課程3年、ホ研究室知能ロボティクス領域) が2020年 IEEE名古屋支部国際会議研究発表賞を受賞しました。
 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)は、アメリカ合衆国に本部を置く工学を専門とする世界最大の学会であり、現在160ヵ国以上に、40万人を超える会員がいます。 IEEEには約300の支部があり、IEEE名古屋支部はその一つで、東海地区(愛知、岐阜、三重、静岡)および北陸地区(福井、石川、富山)に在住する IEEE 会員によって構成され、現在約1,400名の会員がいます。


Grasping Interface With Wet Adhesion and Patterned Morphology: Case of Thin Shell

Pho Van Nguyen and Van Anh Ho

In this letter, we present an analytical method for studying the role of the micropatterned morphology of soft fingers with wet adhesion in grasping a deformable thin shell. This letter originated from a project on a robotic platform for autonomous attachment and removal of a soft contact lens in a "human eye" under a wet environment. In this scenario, a contact lens (hemispherical thin shell) was gripped by a soft-fingered hand in three conditions: inside/outside a liquid environment and when the contact lens was in contact with a convex curved substrate (as an eye). Two fingertip surfaces were compared: a flat surface, and a micropatterned surface inspired by the adhesion mechanism of a tree-frog's toes. The pattern of the latter comprised 3600 square cells, each of size 85 μm × 85 μm interspaced by 15 μm. A proposed analytical model was utilized to evaluate the grasp forces in both types of fingertip surface. The forces were subsequently verified by application in grasping a contact lens. The experimental results showed good agreement with the analysis as the micropattern pad decreased the preload and deformation of the shell 1.1÷2 times lower than that of the flat surface. This letter could be extended to model grasping interfaces with deformable curvature objects in wet and high moisture content environments.

I am very honored to receive the International Conference Research Presentation Awards of the IEEE Nagoya Chapter. I would like to give my deep acknowledment to my supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ho Anh Van and my colleagues for their valuable comments and supports. Finally, I would like to thank my wife and family for supporting and encouraging me all the time.

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