学生のZHAOさんがKICSS 2020においてBest Discussant AwardとBest Presentation Awardを受賞
学生のZHAO, Jingさん(博士前期課程2年、ヒューマンライフデザイン領域、永井研究室)が15th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2020)においてBest Discussant Award(3rd position)とBest Presentation Awardを受賞しました。
The 15th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems aims (KICSS 2020)は、知識科学、情報システム、システム科学、創造活動支援システムに関する分野における国際的な研究者間における技術と知識の交流を図ることを目的とした国際会議です。 同会議は、ナレッジエンジニアリングと科学、情報技術、創造活動支援システム、複雑なシステムモデリングの分野における幅広い研究トピックを提供するもので、学術界、政府の研究機関、産業界の多くの研究者らの関心を集めています。
Effects of working plane design in working space on occupant's mind concentration
Zhao Jing, Nagai Yukari, Shen Tao
The working space environment plays a crucial role in the sides of occupant's productivity and satisfaction. Not only the big range of air quality, daylighting, etc., but also the small aspect of personal working table, chair, and the other little things, can affect the occupant. Nowadays, the problem of student homework distraction during their study time is more and more concerned. To improve the students' homework efficiency, we concentrated on the working table plane in the homework environment and researched how natural things use in the working plane influence the occupant's mind concentration. Experiments of Three kinds of working table plane environment on occupant's mind concentration were completed. The first experimental environment is a single-color background table environment, the second is the natural pattern background table environment, and the last one is the indoor plant table environment. From the compared result of these three working table plane environments, the groups of natural patterns and the indoor plants had a good task result in terms of student's mind concentration compare with the single-color group. Therefore, we could get the result that natural things have a positive effect on the occupant's mind concentration.
I am greatly honored to receive the awards. Thanks to my professor Nagai Sensei for the kind instructions to me, and thanks to all the chairs and the organizers of KICSS 2020 for giving me this chance. In this research, it measured the participants' mind concentration in different table environments. Also, there are some limitations to it. I will try my best to learn more to perfect it and do more good researches in the future.
