学生のGUPTA, Agmanさん(博士後期課程3年、物質化学領域、松見研究室)とPATNAIK, Kottisa Sumalaさん(博士前期課程1年、物質化学領域、松見研究室)が第70回高分子学会年次大会において優秀ポスター賞を受賞しました。
【GUPTA, Agmanさん】
Crosslinked BIAN Polymer Matrices to Stabilize Silicon Anode in Lithium Ion Secondary Batteries
〇Agman Gupta, Rajashekar Badam, and Noriyoshi Matsumi
従来型のグラファイトの約10倍の理論放電容量を有しているシリコンは次世代リチウムイオン二次電池用の負極として多大な注目を集めており、活発な研究が展開されている。一方、充放電におけるシリコン粒子の大幅な体積膨張・収縮により粒子の破壊や表面被膜の破壊、集電体からの剥離が問題となり、実用に適した系の創出には至っていない。本研究ではBIAN型共役系高分子を1,6-ジブロモヘキサンとの四級化反応により架橋した高分子材料を負極バインダーとして検討した。その結果、1000サイクル以上にわたって約2500 mAhg-1(Si)の放電容量を維持し、卓越した特性を発現した。
I am full of gratitude towards my Prof. Noriyoshi Matsumi for providing me with his immense support, encouragement, and guidance throughout my studies. Also, I am thankful to Senior lecturer Dr. Rajashekar Badam for his motivation and worthy insights that always encouraged me to work hard. I would like to thank MEXT and JST-Mirai (Grant Number: JP18077239) for providing financial support. I am thankful to all JAIST staff (teaching and non-teaching) for providing a healthy scientific environment with good facilities so that students like me can comfortably conduct quality research work. I am deeply motivated from within to pursue my passion for science and contribute to society by using my scientific endeavors for public benefit. In this regard, I have been studying and conducting research that is aimed towards developing Li-ion batteries with high energy density for future applications in portable electronic devices, electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), etc.

【PATNAIK, Kottisa Sumalaさん】
Bio-derived Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material for Fast Charging and Long-cycle Life
〇Kottisa Sumala Patnaik, Yueying Peng, Rajashekar Badam, Tatsuo Kaneko, and Noriyoshi Matsumi
At the outset, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Noriyoshi Matsumi for his invaluable guidance in my research work. I thank Prof. Tatsuo Kaneko for opportunity of collaboration under SIP project. I also want to thank Senior lecturer Dr. Rajashekar Badam for incessantly providing me with his suggestions at every step of my research work. I believe research has been very interesting for me especially because of extremely supportive lab mates. I am very grateful to every member of Matsumi Lab for helping me in many small and big ways to carry out my research work smoothly. Lithium ion batteries have brought a lot of convenience and comfort into our everyday life. Any research in this field adds a significant impact at large. I believe lithium-ion batteries have the potential to impact human life at even greater scale than they currently do. Fast charging batteries with long cycle life is one of the fields in maximum demand owing to their applicability in electric vehicles. The prospect of using a vehicle not powered by fossil fuel but delivering equivalent capability to a fossil fuel powered vehicle inspired me to carry out my research in this field of 'Fast Charging Lithium-ion Batteries". I intend to dedicate my future research endeavors in this field.
