研究員のMANINDERさんがFalling Walls Lab Sendai 2022において2位を受賞
研究員のMANINDER, Singhさん(サスティナブルイノベーション研究領域、金子 達雄研究室)がFalling Walls Lab Sendai 2022において2位を受賞しました。
Falling Walls Lab(FWL)は、「ベルリンの壁」崩壊20周年を記念し、2009年にベルリンにて設立された財団「Falling Walls Foundation」主催の弁論大会です。世界に存在する「様々な壁」を打破することをコンセプトに、若手研究者等が、3分間で自身の研究活動をプレゼンテーションします。今年度の大会では、異なる分野の17人の候補者の中から3人の受賞者が選ばれました。
今回、Falling Walls Lab Sendai 2022は令和4年9月22日に東北大学およびオンラインにてハイブリッド開催されました。
Biodegradable Plastics "Blessing in Disguise"
It mentioned how biobased nylons could be the best substitute for current nylons and other plastics.
I received recognition for presenting my research on "Biodegradable Plastics-Blessing in Disguise".
Knowing that the research I most enjoy conducting and that has great potential for addressing the world's plastic problem has earned me an award makes me feel extremely happy. I am earnestly grateful for the recognition I have received for my work. I assure you that I have worked hard over the last two years to get this recognition, but someone has always outdone me. In retrospect, I believe it was a good thing because it motivated me to do better than I had previously. Never before have I felt such a strong desire to win an award, or any accolade for that matter. I'm not sure what changed me, but whatever it was, I'm grateful for it.
To conclude, I'd like to thank my professor Tatsuo Kaneko, Dr. Maiko K. Okajima sensei for their kind support and constant motivation. I would like to extend my thanks to Dr. Kenji Takada sensei, Dr. Mohammad Asif Ali, my parents, lab members, Dr. Gargi Joshi, and Dr. Manjit Singh Grewal for believing in me. I would also like to acknowledge funding support from Moonshot. Last but not least, I would like to thank Atsuko Kohata sensei (a well-known NHK presenter), Tetsuya Kageyama sensei (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor), and the organizers of Tohoku University.
