

【学生・教職員の皆様へ】学長メッセージ 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策について(令和5年3月14日更新)





  • 大学構内におけるマスクの着用については、個々の判断によるものとします。(別添「マスク着用の考え方の見直し等について」を参照)
  • 学内における諸会議については、対面を基本としつつ、オンラインの併用も可とし、アクリル板を置くことは必須とはしないことといたします。
  • JAISTシャトルバス内は、空間の閉鎖性、密閉度が高く、必ずしも十分に換気が行えるとはいえない可能性があることから、シャトルバス乗車時には、引き続き、マスクの着用をお願いいたします。
  • 学生及び教職員の国内出張については、現在、すでに何等の制限もしておりません。今後も制限をする予定はありませんが、出張手続きについては、これまでどおり出張前に行っていただくよう、お願いいたします。
  • 教職員の海外渡航については、別途通知したとおり。
  • 学生の海外渡航については、別途通知したとおり。
  • 学位記授与式
  • 送別会、謝恩会の開催


  • 4月1日以降、本学における活動指針(以下HP参照)のレベルは、基本レベル0といたします。
  • 基本的に、3月13日以降の方針を継続するとともに、体育館及びトレーニングルームにおける使用人数の制限は行わないことといたします。
  • 入学式
  • 歓迎会の開催
  • 4月入学者(石川キャンパス学生)の大学構内への出入り等については、別添のとおり。
  • 東京サテライトの開室等に関しては、以下HPのとおり。


学長 寺野 稔


To Students, Faculty and Staff members

In less than a month, we will be starting a new fiscal year.
The outbreak of the new coronavirus infection that has been going on for more than three years has now subsided considerably. According to the government policy, the wearing of masks is basically left to individual judgment after March 13, but there are some situations where wearing masks is still recommended if it is effective in preventing infection.

In addition, after May 8, the status of new coronavirus infectious diseases under the Infectious Diseases Control Law will be changed from Category 2 to Category 5, the same as seasonal influenza and rubella, which will indicate the policy of further relaxation.

Under these circumstances, as we enter the new fiscal year, we would like to inform you of the following policies that we plan to follow in light of the government's policy.

We are fortunate that none of our students, faculty, and staff have become seriously ill as a result of their cooperation in taking countermeasures against infectious diseases over a long period of time.

In other prefectures, there are still reports of cluster outbreaks. We ask for your cooperation in continuing to take basic infection control measures such as avoiding<3 densities >, <keeping distance between people>, <washing hands>, and <ventilation>.

The JAIST handling after March 13 will be as follows.
Please note that the handling may be subject to change depending on the infection situation.

〇 On/After March 13, 2023

  • The wearing of masks on campus is at the discretion of the individual.
    However, The Health Care Center (medical facility) must prevent infections within the facility, so please continue to wear masks when using the facility.
  • For the meetings on campus, while face-to-face meetings are the basic policy, online meetings may be used in conjunction with face-to-face meetings, and it is not necessary to place acrylic boards on campus.
  • Since the space inside the JAIST shuttle bus is highly enclosed and sealed, and may not always be adequately ventilated, please continue to wear a mask when boarding the shuttle bus.
  • Currently, there are no restrictions on domestic business trip for students, faculty, and staff. We do not plan to impose any restrictions in the future, but we ask that you complete the necessary procedures for business trip in advance, as usual.
  • The information on overseas travel for faculty and staff is as separately notified.
  • The information on overseas travel for students is as separately notified.
  • Degree Conferment Ceremony
    Information on wearing masks and etc. at the Degree Conferment Ceremony on March 24 is as separately notified.
  • Farewell and Thank-you parties,
    Information on farewell and thank-you parties is as separately notified.

〇 On/After April 1

  • The JAIST activity guideline level will be "level 0". (See below HP)
  • Basically, we will continue with our policy on/after March 13, and there will be no limit to the number of people who can use the gymnasium and training room.
  • Entrance ceremony
    The same precautions, including the wearing of masks at the entrance ceremony, will apply as for the Degree Conferment Ceremony on March 24.
  • Welcome party
    Welcome party can be held in the same manner as notified for farewell and thank-you parties.
  • Information on access to the JAIST campus for April entrants (Ishikawa Campus students) is as separately notified in the attached.
  • For opening Tokyo Satellite, please refer to the below HP.

The infection situation in Ishikawa Prefecture has calmed down, and the alert level has been lowered to Level 1, "Infection Spread Alert".
However, since the end of March and the beginning of April will be a time when many people will be on the move throughout Japan, we ask that you continue to take all basic infection control measures.

March 14, 2023
TERANO Minoru,
President of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology