
Certificates issued before December 24, 2020 will not be able to use wireless LAN


[2022/9/1 13:00 added]

As indicated in the following notice, certificates issued by the old Intermediate CA cannot be used to connect to the campus Wi-Fi.




Digital certificates issued before December 24, 2020 have been revoked due to the switchover of Intermediate Certification Authorities for the UPKI Digital Certificate Issuance Service.
( Reference: [Important] Client certificates will be revoked (for issued before 2020/12/24) )


Currently, there is a flaw in the configuration of this authentication, and it is possible to connect using certificate issued by old Intermediate CA.
After September 1st, We plan to modify the settings to disable connections with certificate issued by old Intermediate CA.

We are sending individual emails to those who have recently used the old certificate for their wireless LAN connection.
If you received the email, please modify the Wi-Fi settings of the device whose MAC address is written in the email.


Please refer to the following page to check if your current certificate is valid.
How to check the validity/revoked of the client certificate法


If you do not have a valid new certificate, please refer to the following page for a new certificate.
* If you can click the "発行/Issue" button on the J-UPKI system, you do not have a valid certificate. Please follow the procedure to issue it.
Client certificate issuance procedure


For information on how to modify the certificate used to authenticate the campus wireless LAN, please see the following page.
How to Replace Digital Certificates for Wi-Fi



If you have any questions, please contact us via the inquiry form or email(isc-query[at]
