


Hostname: pcc  or  vpcc

% ssh pcc -l <UserID>

Environment setting

The default development environment (Intel + IMPI) is set at login. Changing the used compiler and linking the library are done by loading the necessary modules.

1. Display a list of loaded modules.

% module list

2. Check available modules

% module avail

3. Load/unload modules

 % module load/unload  <module name>

4. Replacing modules

 % module swap  <module name before>  <module name after>

ex1: Loading CUDA settings (for GPU nodes)

% module load cuda



Compiler Fortran C C++ Command
GCC g77,gfortran cc g++  
Intel Compiler ifort icc icpc  
PGI Compiler pgf90 pgcc pgCC  
Intel MPI mpiifort mpiicc mpiicpc *1
OpenMPI mpif77, mpif90 mpicc mpicxx  *2
MVAPICH2 mpif77, mpif90 mpicc mpicxx *3

*1 : mpirun -machinefile ${PBS_NODEFILE} -np ${NPROCS}  ./a.out
*2 : mpirun -hostfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} -np ${NPROCS} ./a.out
*3 : mpirun_rsh -hostfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} -np ${NPROCS} ./a.out