About Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is a chat tool that can also make voice and video calls.
It is not possible to connect from other video conferencing systems (Polycom, Sony PCS, etc.) or web conferencing systems.
Only faculty and staff are allowed to create and manage teams.
JAIST has signed an EES(Enrollment for Education Solutions) with Microsoft to enable students and faculty to use Office products such as Excel, Powerpoint and Word.
Microsoft Teams usage rights are included in the EES. Research Center for Advanced Computing Infrastructure enables users to use Microsoft Teams for their convenience.
Research Center for Advanced Computing Infrastructure provides support for users to sign in to Office365 so that they can use these software products. However, please note that we do not provide support for the use of individual software or problems.
In particular, since Microsoft Teams is a service with a wide range of functions and uses, please note the following points.
- Please use this service with full consideration of the information security risk.
- The team manager (owner) is responsible for managing the team's usage patterns and handling any problems.
- Users should gather information on how to use the system after signing in and solve any problems by themselves. (Research Center for Advanced Computing Infrastructure does not support it.)
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
- Teams クイックガイド(PDF 12.6MB) aka.ms/TeamsQG_Japanese
- Teams 使い方マニュアル(PC編,PDF 21.9MB) aka.ms/TeamsManual_PC_Japanese
- Teams 使い方マニュアル(モバイル編,PDF 7.87MB) aka.ms/TeamsManual_Mobile_Japanese
- Teams 使い方ビデオ(YouTube動画リスト) www.youtube.com/playlist
- Microsoft Teams ヘルプセンター support.office.com/ja-jp/teams
- Microsoft Teams のエンドユーザトレーニング docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/microsoftteams/enduser-training