
Replacement of Online Storage System

The old online storage system "J-storage (Nextcloud)" ended the service on Friday, April 28, 2023 at 17:00.


Transition Schedule

  • Start of new system service
    Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 15:00

  • End of old system service
    Friday, April 28, 2023 17:00

Changes in the new system

Replacing the old system (Nextcloud) with the new system (Box) will change many things, including where data is stored, the user interface and the way it operates.
Some of the differences are shown below, but for more information about the new system, please visit the Box online storage page.

  • The scope of who can use online storage services will change.
  • On-premises storage will be replaced by cloud storage. The location of data storage will change from on campus to off campus (in Japan).
  • The university as a whole will have unlimited data storage capacity.
  • The amount of space that can be stored in an individual's top directory will be 100GB for students/faculty/researchers.
  • Folders with unlimited storage capacity will be shared with staff and faculty in advance.
  • The extent to which a folder can be shared depends on its location.
  • Files moved to the recycle bin (deleted files) will be completely deleted after 30 days.



Change of available users

Because of the licence agreement, the people who can use the new system are different from those who can use the old system.
The statuses that can use the new system are as follows:

[Box Available Users]
Faculty (full-time)
Administrative/technical Staff (full-time), Office Assistant, Research assistant worker, temporary staff, Contract Staff (rehired)
Researcher (employed by JAIST), JSPS Research Fellowship
Regular Student

* Part-time Lecturer, Visiting Professor, counsellor, Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences Student (enrolled in KANAZAWA University), Non Degree-Seeking Student, Postdoctoral reseacher, Visiting research fellow, Collaborative research fellow, Contracted researcher, Dispatched researcher and account that was applied for extension is not available.
 It is also not available to those graduating or retiring at the end of March.

The old system will continue to operate until around the end of April as a data migration period, but there may be service interruptions due to outages and services may not be restored.
Users are encouraged to prepare in advance for the data migration.

Use of Box by non-new system users

Those who are not eligible for J-Storage Box can also use the free account (Individual Plan) offered by Box to the public.
Please note the following:

  • JAIST email addresses (, cannot be used for free Box accounts.
  • The functions available with a free account are different from those available to JAIST Managed Users (J-Storage Box).
  • We do not accept inquiries about free accounts.


To share files saved in the J-Storage Box with users with a free account, place the files in the external collaboration folder and "invite" them.

For Free Box Account users with JAIST address

If you have a free Box account registered with your JAIST e-mail address, you cannot use the J-Storage Box because the Box uses your e-mail address as the primary key.
For those who are eligible to use the new service box and have a free account with a JAIST address on the box,
please change your primary email address to something other than a JAIST address and contact us.

Don't delete a free account linked to your JAIST mailaddress.
When a free account is deleted, it will not be possible to create an account using the email address associated with that account for approximately 120 days. If you do not need the free account, please delete it after changing to a non-JAIST address.

[ How to change primary email address (Default Email Address) ]

After logging in to box with the target free account, please change the "Default Email Address" field to a non-JAIST email address.

* If you do not remember the password for your Box free account, you can reset the password. This password is for your Box free account and has nothing to do with the JAIST system.
* The procedure for changing the email address will vary depending on the status of each account. Even if the procedure is different from the one below, the change is complete when a non-JAIST email address is set in the "Default email address" field.

- Add a non-JAIST email address to your account
[Top right top My icons] -> [Account settings] -> [Add a Collaborator or Link Personal Email] -> [Link Personal Email]

- Change the default email address
[Make it Primary] -> (Enter your Box password) -> [Save]