a concert by taeko ohnuki, the singer

We went to a concert by Taeko Ohnuki, a female singer with beautiful voice. It is rare for us locals to receive a visit by well-known singers. We were certainly excited when we knew she came to Kanazawa. I place a link to one of the clips featuring her performance.

I have been listening to her for more than thirty years now and could not hear her sining without moved. Every moment was a gem. It was pity that the hall was only filled by half. She laughed it, commenting that majority of her fans are fond of being alone or at best a couple. She was quite right. I met one of our colleagues at the hall, who regretted not to take some of her friends. Well, I do not know. She may be right.

One of the musicians used a Mac to play some parts

The list of songs played in the night.

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