Monthly Archives: 12月 2012

thank you to shizuo and yoshiki tsuji

My father in law was a medical doctor and took care of Mr. Shizuo Tsuji (辻 静夫), who established one of the best cooking schools in Japan. He was survived by his son, Mr. Yoshiki Tsuji (辻 芳樹). The son has kindly sent my father a bottle or two of wine every year for twenty years since his father passed out, which was produced of the grapes grown in his vineyard in France. We have long been amazed to witness his way of expressing gratitude to our father. This one will be the last one, though. My father passed out early this year and no bottle arrived. This bottle was the one arrived last year. Family members got together for this moment of year end and opened the bottle. We all remembered their friendship between our father and Mr. Shizuo Tsuji. It is now concluded. The wine tasted nice. We all drunk it together and had a nice time. I recalled people left us behind. Now the time turns into new year.

the last sunset this year

My nephews arrived to us this afternoon. We went out for shopping. On our way back home we encountered a beautiful sunset. He kindly took my photo with the sun on my back. Our family had a certain loss this year and hope things will be better for coming year.





mac book pro 15 retina

mac book pro 15 retina を使い始めて二週間くらい。バッテリーがよく持つのと、軽いのと、字が読みやすいので気に入っているが、非光沢ディスプレイでないのが残念。それからキーボードが安っぽくて打ちにくい。なのでこれまで使っていた2008 early modelも継続使用の予定。キーボードだけは何とか改善してほしいところ。