
1-2. Checking your job

Checking the job. 1 (Listing)

List jobs that are currently running on the system or waiting to be executed.

% qstat  [option]

The output will be displayed as in the example below

% qstat

Job id   Name      User       Time Use S Queue
--------- ----------- ----------- -------- - -----
16.altix aims14    user1      00:15:30   R SINGLE
18.altix aims14    user1      03:21:03   R SMALL
26.altix airfoil      barry      00:21:03    R SMALL
27.altix airfoil      barry      21:09:12    R SMALL
28.altix myjob     user1            0       Q SINGLE
29.altix tns3d     susan            0       Q LARGE
30.altix airfoil      barry            0       Q SINGLE
31.altix seq_35_3 donald           0        Q MEDIUM

  • Job Id ....   Unique Job ID
  • Name  ....   Job name
  • User   ....   User name
  • Time Use .... Current execution time
  • S(tatus) ....  Job status(R: running,Q: queued/waiting,  E: ended)
  • Queue   ....   Queue used

Checking the job. 2 (details)

Check the job details.
Information such as when the job started execution, why the execution is not started, etc. are displayed.

% qstat -s <Job id>

For example:

% qstat -s 28
                                                            Req'd  Req'd   Elap
Job ID          Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS TSK Memory Time  S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
28.altix     user1   SINGLE    myjob            --    1  1  8190mb 168:0 Q   --
   Not Running: User has reached queue SINGLE running job limit.

In the example above,job with id:28 is waiting for execution in the SINGLE queue,since that queue limits the number of running tasks per user to only 1 and another job is already running from the same user.

Checking the job. 3 (other options)

Display detailed information

% qstat -f <Job id>

Display history

% qstat  -x

Display for a specific user

% qstat -u <user id>

Checking the job. 4 (memory resources)

By displaying the detailed information of the job, the actual allocated memory resources can be checked.
#not 100% accurate
#xc30 doesn't report memory usage

%qstat -xf <job ID> | grep used.mem

If the allocated memory resources exceed that specified by the queue, an error may be returned, the calculation result may be empty, etc.,  and the job may not terminate normally.

If the job does not work properly, check the memory usage at once, if it seems that you are getting the value near the upper limit please submit the job to the next larger queue.

Checking the job. 5 (For VM queue)

Display list of VM queue jobs.

% qstat @kvm-pbs

Display history of VM jobs.

% qstat  -x @kvm-pbs

Display for a specific job of VM queue.

% qstat -f <job ID>@kvm-pbs