Job submission
Submit the job script to the scheduler as below.
% qsub -q <Queue> <Script>
To submit the job script to VM queues, you should do as follows.
% qsub -q <Queue>@kvm-pbs <Script>
ex) qsub -q VM-CPU@kvm-pbs
Job submission (with mail notification)
Notification of the starting / ending the job can be requested as below,
% qsub -q <Queue> -M <mail address> -m be <Script>
-M <contact email>
-m be # b -> begin(Job starting) , e -> end(Job ending)
Job deletion
Only the owner of the job can delete his already submitted jobs
% qdel <Job id>
To delete the job on VM queue, you should do as follows.
% qdel <Job id>@kvm-pbs