Daily Archives: 2012年9月22日

Osamu Jareo+Theater Thikwa+Junkan Project/Kyoto Experiment 2012

I have been to Kyoto today to see a performance by Osamu and his colleagues. (There is an English version. too.) We have been working recently for exploring the power of dancing for dementia care and he called me to see their performance.

I had no prejudices as I had not viewed even the ad clips, one including the interviews to performers and the other depicting their stage in motion. Well, I immensely enjoyed being in the theatre. I had not thought much about dancing, but now I have an idea. Dancing is a way to organize the space evolving. It is not just a mater of moving the body, but a catch/release of energy from/to the space. To live is to … hm … to dance, move, or act. One of the roles assigned to our human beings is to enrich the space by acting. yeah.

The theatre was an old building formerly used as primary school

The approach to the theatre

While wondering around the theatre, I came across a school of lovely creatures.

I brought back two of them to home. Lovely guys.

a concert by taeko ohnuki, the singer

We went to a concert by Taeko Ohnuki, a female singer with beautiful voice. It is rare for us locals to receive a visit by well-known singers. We were certainly excited when we knew she came to Kanazawa. I place a link to one of the clips featuring her performance.

I have been listening to her for more than thirty years now and could not hear her sining without moved. Every moment was a gem. It was pity that the hall was only filled by half. She laughed it, commenting that majority of her fans are fond of being alone or at best a couple. She was quite right. I met one of our colleagues at the hall, who regretted not to take some of her friends. Well, I do not know. She may be right.

One of the musicians used a Mac to play some parts

The list of songs played in the night.